Uravu, an End to End Bamboo Solution Centre
Uravu is an NGO , founded to uplift the indigenous community by promoting bamboo products .The organization is quite popular for coordinating developmental programs related with bamboo ,also known as ‘Green gold’. They cultivate, encourage skill training programs for processing and market bamboo handicrafts, promoting eco-tourism in all sense. Today Uravu manufactures bamboo products for […]
Uncover the Mysteries and Legends of Wayanad.(Edakkal cave at Wayanad)
Wayanad is a stunning location that sprawls throughout Kerala. This is one of the most environmentally friendly regions in India, with several spots to explore. It is saturated with the colour green everywhere you look, with lush foliage and magnificent hills gliding above the city’s skies. There are numerous viewpoints from which to see nature’s […]